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2021 | »ThinKing Lightweight Construction Award« for TOROK CFK IQ chuck

In September, we received the »ThinKing Award« from the Baden-Württemberg State Agency for Lightweight Construction for our highly complex lightweight chuck made of carbon fiber-reinforced plastic [CFRP] with integrated sensor technology.

Press release

Video lightweight innovation

2016 MM-Award TOPlus IQ chuck

2016 | »MM Award« for TOPlus IQ chuck

At the AMB trade fair the further-developed intelligent TOPlus IQ chuck for workpiece clamping was honored with the »MM Award« innovation prize. Out of the three finalists, the 8-person jury chose the chuck as the winner in the category clamping devices.

Press release

2016 | Industry 4.0 Award »100 locations with Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg«

We have implemented two production solutions, i. e. network solutions that have been honored by the Allianz Industry 4.0 Baden-Württemberg organization with the award »100 locations with Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg«.

Press release

2016 VDMA industry 4.0 award
2012 entrepreneur medal Baden-Württemberg

2012 | Entrepreneur Medal Baden-Württemberg

For outstanding professional and entrepreneurial achievement, and in gratitude for his special services to the economy of the State of Baden-Württemberg, the Minister of Finance and Economy, Dr. Nils Schmid, awarded the Entrepreneur Medal from the State of Baden-Württemberg to Mr. Gerhard Rall in an official ceremony held.

Press release

2011 | »eLearning Award«

»learn2work« is the elearning software of the company Korion showing all processes of our company and ensuring that employees and trainees get an idea of the big picture. Now we have received the »eLearning Award« for the joint project.

 2011 eLearning award
2010 MM-Award lightweight clamping devices made of carbon fiber

2010 | »MM Award« for lightweight clamping devices made of carbon fiber

At AMB the new developed lightweight clamping devices made ​​of carbon fiber were awarded. This proves that our lightweight chucks were among the most innovative products shown on AMB.

2010 | Business oscar »Goldjupiter«

The Economic Committee of Germany has awarded HAINBUCH with the »Goldjupiter«, one of the most important prices for businesses. The outstanding development of the company and its efforts in education and training were the decisive factors.

2010 business oscar goldjupiter
2009 award for mid-sized business

2009 | »Award for Mid-sized Business«

At the 15th national competition for »Mid-sized Business Award« of the Oskar Patzelt Foundation we were one of the winners. This year nationwide 3,366 companies across all industries were nominated.

2007 | »MM Award« for TOPlus IQ chuck

At EMO the new developed intelligent TOPlus IQ chuck has won the Award of the magazine »MM Machinery«. From over 100 submissions the jury chose HAINBUCH as the winner in the category of clamping devices.

Press release

2007 MM-Award TOPlus IQ chuck
2007 innovation award TOPlus chuck

2007 | »Innovation Award« for TOPlus chuck

The TOPlus chuck was subscribed by the »Initiative Mittelstand« for the Innovation Award in the category of Engineering. In 2006 this prize was introduced for the first time and is awarded on the most innovative products of the industry since then.

Press release

2006 | »Innovation Award« for Education

For exemplary engagement in the field of education we have been awarded together with four other companies by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the innovation award. The commitee was especially impressed by the e-learning computer game »learn 2work« that is used at HAINBUCH to give apprentices an understanding for business management.

2006 innovation award for education